

This plugin will compute all object to object distances between two structures. All distances are in units. Three types of distances are available :

  • Center to center distances, between the centers of the two objects.
  • Center to border distances, the minimum distance from the center of the first object to the border of the other object.
  • Border to border distances, the minimum distance between the border of two objects.
  • Minimal distance, computes only the minimal distance of an object to all objects of same or different structure, the distance and the index of the closest object will be ouptut.

When a distance to the border of another object is selected: if the first object is included in the second one, it is possible to choose if the distance should be negative, positive or null.

If two different segmented structures are selected, containing respectively n1 and n2 objects, it will produce an array of n1 * n2 values;
If the same structure is selected, containing n objects, it will produce an array of n * ( n - 1 ) / 2 values.